Dr. Stefano De Feo Postdoktorand Institut für Neues Testament E-Mail stefano.defeo@students.unibe.ch E-Mail2 stefano.defeo@unibe.ch Postadresse Universität Bern Institut für Neues Testament Länggassstrasse 51 CH-3012 Bern
Curriculum Vitae 1/10/2020-31/03/2022 Research position in IFK project “The One God: Conflict Zone and Concept of Integration” (University of Bern) Since 2020 (March) PhD Candidate in New Testament, University of Bern (Supervision: Prof. Dr. Rainer Hirsch-Luipold) 2016-2019 Master’s degree in Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Milano 2012-2016 Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Università degli Studi di Milano
Dissertationproject The End of the World. A Critical Analysis of the Lexeme «ΕΣΧΑΤ*» in the Light of Ancient Philosophical and Religious Traditions (3rd cent. BCE – 1st cent. CE)
Publikationen S. De Feo, La lettura sinottica della Storia del Cristianesimo (1942-1943) e del Pellegrino di Roma (1945), in Una storia allo sbaraglio. Introduzione alla Storia del Cristianesimo di Ernesto Buonaiuti, 7-59, in E. Buonaiuti, Storia del Cristianesimo. Evo antico, (Roma, ed. Castelvecchi) 2018, 7-21 S. De Feo, A Critical Analysis of the Use of the Verb ἀναγινώσκω in the Corpus Paulinum. A Reappraisal of the Reading Practice in Early Christianity, in Annali di Scienze Religiose (Milano; ed. Brepols), 13 (2020) (in course of publication)
Arbeits- und Forschungsschwerpunkte Eschatology in Paul New Testament lexicography Monotheism and the Overcoming of Conflict in Plutarch’s thought Italian Modernism and, particularly, the thought of Ernesto Buonaiuti