Florence Gantenbein Doctoral Student Institute for New Testament Studies E-Mail florence.gantenbein@unibe.ch Postal Address Universität Bern Institut für Neues Testament Länggassstr. 51 CH-3012 Bern
Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Since 2021 Doctoral student in the SNSF project ECCLESIAE with Prof. Dr. Benjamin Schliesser 2021 Master of Theology, University of Zürich 2019-2020 M.A. in Biblical Studies, Durham University 2014-2019 Studies in theology in Zürich and Jerusalem
Publications Book Chapters Women’s Agency in the Urban Context of Imperial Ephesos and its Early Christ-Movements, in: Jörg Frey, Jörg Rüpke, Benjamin Schliesser (Hg.), Early Christianity and Urbanity, WUNT, Tübingen (erscheint 2025/2026). "Epistula Apostolorum," in Early New Testament Apocrypha, ed. Christopher Edwards, Ancient Literature for New Testament Studies 9, Grand Rapids 2022, 395–415. Journal Articles Trost als ratio der Evangelienschreibung am Beispiel des Johannesevangeliums, in: Hermeneutische Blätter 30 (2024), 38-49. (zusammen mit Benjamin Schliesser, Jan Rüggemeier, Andreas-Christian Heidel, Hanna-Maria Hengel, Corona Langjahr, Lara Mührenberg, Niklas Walder) SNSF-Project «ECCLESIAE – Early Christian Centers: Local Expressions, Social Identities, and Actor Engagement” (2021–2025), in: Early Christianity 15 (2024), 127–143. "Guides to Those Who Believe" (EpAp 43:7). A Re-consideration of the Wise Virgins as Role Models of Ministry in the Epistula Apostolorum," in: Early Christianity 13 (2022), 145–162.